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Spain Redefines High Speed Rail Travel With Avlo Low Cost Fares For Everyone!

I have previously done an article on comparing RENFE Seville-Madrid and VIA Rail Montreal to Toronto. (english link) (french link) No surprise as RENFE was cheaper and faster than VIA Rail.

Now RENFE is introducing their new low cost high speed train service in April 2020 called Alvo. Based on the current 112 series Talgo.

Ministry of Development José Luis Ábalos, "Renfe is prepared to face the arrival of the competition", but has also requested "reciprocity" in other European countries in view of which "the liberalization of the railroad in this country is becoming the most open and balanced, a whole model. "

This is in relation to the opening up of domestic railways to competition in the passenger rail industry.

Avlo will be Renfe's high-speed service with the highest passenger capacity, with 438 seats per train, 20% more seats compared to the current 112 series trains. Subsequently, as the new service is extended , the new trains of the 106 series will be incorporated, with an even greater capacity, of 581 seats per train.

Paul Langan


  1. I have enjoyed travelling by train in Spain. If the trip is short enough it does not matter if you are a little crowded. Millions of people take subways around the world every day and even accept having to stand. One embarrassing question which I frequently ask politicians is "Why is there no high-speed rail connection between the downtown of Ontario's biggest city and the downtown of Ontario's third biggest city. Most people don't realize it right off the top, but the 3rd biggest city in Ontario is Mississauga, and the two downtowns are only 24km apart! At even a modest 120km/h that is 12 MINUTES between the two transportation hubs! See for a comparison of the current options. :^( The GO Train passes within TWO KILOMETRES of the Mississauga City Centre but abysmal planning in the 1960s caused that Centre to be located away from the existing rail line. Passengers must take a bus, maybe an LRT in 5 years time, four km to Cooksville station or 6 km to Port Credit to catch a train, Similar is Pearson Airport, and York University which could have been plunked down right on top of existing rail lines, as is for example the case with Carleton University in Ottawa, because there was nothing but farmers' fields there when they were planned. So why choose a farmer's field that had no transportation links over one that had an existing rail line?


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