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Calgary - Edmonton


Calgary -Edmonton High-Speed Rail Map
Calgary-Edmonton High-Speed Rail Map
Since 1985 there have been studies about the possibility of a high-speed rail corridor between Calgary and Edmonton. The longer they wait to implement HSR the more difficult and expensive it has become. 

In 2021, Prairie Link a consortium of EllisDon and AECOM proposed a high-speed rail line between Calgary, Red Deer and Edmonton.

 Below are links to the major studies that have been completed. Please credit High Speed Rail Canada as a reference if you use these studies. We want all Canadians to know about our educational resource centre. 

1. 1985-HSR Prospects-in-the-Calgary-Edmonton-Corridor-1985-03 AB Government LINK

2. 1986 - The Alberta High-Speed Rail Review Committee Report to Minister of Economic Development and Trade LINK

3. 1995-Alberta-high-speed-rail-concept-findings-economic development trade-1981-1985 LINK

4. 2004 - Calgary/ Edmonton HSR - The Van Horne Institute LINK

5. 2008 Economic Benefits and Market Assessment for Development of HSR Service Calgary/Edmonton Corridor (3 documents) LINK

6. 2010 Study of High-Speed Rail Impacts on Rural Alberta - CPCS LINK

7. 2013 - Updated Cost & Ridership/Revenue for Calgary Edmonton High-Speed Rail, Vanhorne Institute LINK

8. 2014 The Feasibility of Establishing a HSR Transit System in Alberta
- Standing Committee on Alberta's Economic Future LINK