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Support for Two-Way All-Day GO Rail and High Speed Rail Motion at City of Kitchener Council Meeting

Support for Two-Way All-Day GO Rail and High Speed Rail Motion To Be Presented at City of Kitchener Council Meeting May 7th, 2018

Two-Way All-Day Go Rail and High Speed Rail 
Councillor S. Davey is presenting to the City of Kitchener the following motion at their council meeting.

9.c. Two-Way All-Day Go Rail Service and High Speed Rail –
Councillor S. Davey has given notice that he will introduce the following motion for consideration this date:

WHEREAS Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail will be a key part of
unlocking the full potential of the Toronto – Waterloo Innovation Corridor and
Southwestern Ontario that will create over 170,000 jobs and add an estimated $17 billion
to our nation’s Gross Domestic Product; and,

WHEREAS Waterloo Region currently has approximately 3,000 job vacancies in the high-
tech sector, and Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail will help our
companies attract and retain the talent and business connectivity in the Toronto-Waterloo
Innovation Corridor and throughout Southwestern Ontario required to fill those vacancies,
create jobs, and succeed globally; and,

WHEREAS Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail will alleviate Highway
401 and other roadway congestion issues coming in and out of our community on a daily
basis; and, 

WHEREAS Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail will positively impact
our environment by reducing approximately 5 million cars off the road; and,

WHEREAS we will always advocate for a full-range of medical services available within
Waterloo region, Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail will help our
community members access medical centres more reliably and with greater comfort for
any highly specialized services; and,

WHEREAS the Mayor and Council of the City of Kitchener have approved the Corporate
Business Plan which prioritizes “Intergovernmental Relations – Passenger Rail” advocacy
for Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail; and, 

WHEREAS we will help to ensure that the impact and disruptions caused by the
construction and operation of Two-Way All-Day GO rail service and High Speed Rail are
assessed and addressed fairly through the phases of consultation and project planning
that are being developed;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Kitchener calls upon all political parties at
the provincial and federal levels governments to remain committed to both Two-Way All-
Day GO rail service from Toronto to Kitchener by 2024 and to move forward to bring
Canada’s first High Speed Rail line from Toronto to London in 2025;

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Prime Minister
of Canada, leaders of the Ontario Liberal Party, the Ontario Progressive Conservative
Party, the Ontario New Democratic Party, and the Green Party of Ontario, to the local
MP’s and MPP’s, to the Association of Municipalities Ontario, and to the Region of
Waterloo and local area municipalities.

We support Councillor Scott Davey on this excellent initiative.
