Over the next few months. I would like to organize some meet and greets. The events will be called, "You Can't Organize Unless You Socialize".- The Future of High Speed Rail in Canada.
We can discuss strategies on how to get improved higher speed passenger rail on the political agenda in the next federal election in Canada.
Basically we would meet in a bar/restaurant and network. A Saturday 1-4pm type of thing.
If you have a fun place in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary and want to help get the word out let me know.
I can do an Events page on Facebook. I can also do a poster and send it out to our 300 email list and our media list.
So lets start in Toronto in August. Send suggestions on where and if you can help get the word out to highspeedrailcanada(at)yahoo.ca . It is time for Harper to go. Paul Langan, High Speed Rail Canada
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