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POLL - 77% Support High Speed Rail Between Toronto and Montreal

A recent article in the Toronto Sun by Simon Kent was titled, "Making A Case for High Speed Rail". The on-line version of the article also had a poll asking people, Would you ever use a high-speed rail service between Toronto and Montreal?

A resounding 77% of poll respondents stated they would take the high-speed rail if it was quicker than planes. Rail would be significantly quicker once you add in the total time a flight actually takes. (eg: add in airport security issues, travel to airport, wait times at airport, etc.) Only 7% preferred to still drive between the two cities.

Paul Langan, Founder of High Speed Rail Canada states, " Although on-line media polls may not be statistically sound, they do give you a snapshot of people's views on subjects. It is clear that poll respondents support the implementation of high-speed rail in from Toronto to Montreal.

The Toronto Poll ( (CLICK HERE) results mimic the findings of the EKOS Research Poll on High Speed Rail in Canada (CLICK HERE) , November 2009 that showed over 77% of Canadians supported the implementation of high-speed rail. It is too bad our federal government has no vision at all for the future of passenger rail in this country."
