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New U.S. PIRG High Speed Rail Study Released

the U.S.Public Interest Research Group has released a high speed rail study titled,"A Track Record of Success: High-Speed Rail Around the World and Its Promise for America".

As studies go its not that long at 53 pages. It outlines all the familiar benefits of high speed rail. Read it, pass it on to a friend, and then for fun send it to your Member of Parliament to educate them on the subject.

If your MP bothers to read the study they will probably email you back and tell you high speed rail is too expensive. Remind your MP of the fact that I mentioned in my last blog that the provinces and federal government spent $20billion in one year alone (2008)on roads in Canada!

Your MP might state the same old myth that its cheaper to just build roads. That is when you send them to the Victoria Transportation Policy Institute website to read Todd Litman's 2009 paper, " Transportation Cost and Benefit Analysis Techniques, Estimates and Implications".

The modernization of Canada's passenger rail system can only occur if we educate all Canadians that there are alternatives to road based transportation options.

For more studies on high speed rail go to: High Speed Rail Canada

Thanks Paul Langan
