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Showing posts from October, 2014

High Speed Rail Canada to Release Toronto - Kitchener - London High Speed Rail Preliminary Business Plan by FCPWorld

High Speed Rail Canada is the only source in Canada to obtain all the information relating to high speed rail past and present studies on high speed rail. In October they released the previously unavailable  France national Railway SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français - National society of French railway) and partners on High Speed Rail Socio-Economic Study between Windsor and Quebec City. Now High Speed Rail Canada is going to release FCPWorld Toronto-Kitchener-London High Speed Rail Preliminary Business Plan Study that was completed for the Ministry of Transportation. The study will be released in early November 2014. Like all other studies it will be available on our Google drive link from our website. Then Transportation Minister Glen Murray stated in May 2014, " A proposed high-speed rail link between Toronto, Kitchener-Waterloo and London would see 56 trains a day, or 28 each way, with fares around $40, according to Glen Murray, Ontario's Trans

Justin Trudeau Talks High Speed Rail!

English translation Follows André Pratte - La Presse - Au cours des derniers jours, le chef du Parti libéral du Canada, Justin Trudeau, a évoqué à plusieurs reprises ce qui sera l'un de ses principaux engagements lors de la prochaine campagne électorale : des investissements accrus dans les infrastructures urbaines. « Le Parti libéral va s'engager à lancer un programme massif d'infrastructures d'un bout à l'autre du pays », a déclaré M. Trudeau à l'émission Tout le monde en parle, diffusée dimanche soir. Au cours des deux dernières décennies, les gouvernements Chrétien et Harper ont investi des dizaines de milliards dans des projets d'infrastructures dont l'objectif premier était de relancer une économie en panne. Pour cette raison, les fonds allaient aux projets pouvant être mis en chantier rapidement. On a notamment financé des centres sportifs, des centres de congrès, et autres installations dont la contribution à long terme à la prospérité d

Dallas to Houston High-Speed Rail Proposed Route Map

The environmental impact assessment has begun for the private company Texas Central Railway that intends to build the new high speed rail line in Texas based on Tokaido Shinkansen Technology. Public hearings are underway. Robert Eckels is the president of the TCR. A new website for the environmental impact process is up and running. Recently possible routes have been released for the line that is proposed to start operation in 2021. Here is a LINK to the photo proposed routes. Positive stuff for sure, but can any high speed rail line be built and operated without public funding...only time will tell.

The Return of the Turbo Train.....Lunch Box

It is no secret that High Speed Rail Canada loves reminding Canadians we had faster trains in this country 35 years ago then we do now. That trains was the CN UAC Turbo train. Check out our Turbo page for all the photos, videos and documents related to the Turbo. One thing we didn't have was the TURBO LUNCH BOX! Now we do. We got this piece of history from London, Ontario. Enjoy.

Press Release: High Speed Rail Canada Releases the 2010 SNCF International Socio economic study of High Speed Rail Implementation on the Quebec – Windsor Corridor High Speed Rail Canada is releasing to the public in english and french the previously unreleased 2010 study by the France national Railway SNCF (Société nationale des chemins de fer français - National society of French railway) and partners on high speed rail between Windsor and Quebec City. For immediate release.....October 6th, 2014. High Speed Rail Canada is Canada's only advocacy groups dedicated to promoting the modernization of passenger rail in Canada. The May 30th, 2010 study by SNCF International was funded by cities along the Windsor - Quebec Corridor. Like the previous federal/provncial study from 2011 on High Speed Rail by Ecotrains, the 2010 SNCF study was not being released to the public until High Speed Rail Canada obtained a copy of it and is releasing it today. High Speed Rail Canada's mandate is to educate people on the benefits of modern passenger rail. They do it th